
Showing posts with the label spouses argue over who has most traffic tickets

Speeding virginity restored!

It's official. I beat my traffic ticket! Perhaps some of you may remember my former post ( rant ) from earlier this year titled Speeding Virgin No More . Well, it took a while, but today in the mail was a tidy letter from the county and a check for the ticket I paid way back when. Now, the news of my having successfully resorted to using my wit and righteous zeal in order to clear my name should be cause for celebration at La Casa de Larsen, but apparently it isn't for the four of us. Truthfully, husband's been rather cool to this development. I'm not entirely convinced that he feels this act of mercy toward me is entirely...justified. I would pop the cork, but I'm thinking that celebration of this order would be in poor taste for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, I would never want any harm to come to anyone from reckless drivers and do not advocate dodging the system as such. Besides, it would be very dicey karma, too. Also, the other reason is that I ...