Scott Howe Langmaid, 1961-2009

I'm sorry, but childhood buddies are just not supposed to start dying yet. Especially ones as funny and sweet as Scott Langmaid. That's Scott in the photos below. And yes, he would kill me for posting them, they're dreadful. But they were fun times, as well, so I hope all's forgiven when it's my turn. It seems as if every play I ever did at BUHS had Scott in the cast...He was always so supportive and funny and best of all, actually got my jokes -- even the really rude ones. We did a lot of cracking up during this show. Here he is with the 1978 Brattleboro Union High School Stage Crew. Front row, far right. Were we really close? No. Okay, no. I suck at staying in touch with people. But, I always cared about him. And he did come to my wedding. Actually, as I recall, he gave us a great toast on our wedding night, when I so badly needed some levity and some kind of reminder of who I really was. Yesterday my mother phoned to say she'd just seen his ...