
Showing posts with the label Education

Why I support Bernie Sanders for president of the United States (2016)

I support Bernie Sanders for president because I believe the Sanders plans for a better future are most in line with what personally matters to me as a middle class mom of two teens, one of which has a severe peanut allergy , who is also now in college. I firmly believe his solutions are not only most in line with what matters to me but actually make the most sense.  Here's why: I know he will  fight the pharmaceutical corruption driving up the high medical costs of caring for a kid with a severe peanut allergy: Including outrageous costs of life-saving epi pens.  I know he will fight global warming alongside really protecting our public health! This is very important to me. He will change laws which now put big biz in charge of pretty much everything. He will fight for those of us who are not billionaires.  I know he deeply cares about lowering the cost of eduction.  Right now my child's in her first year of college and she slaved to get her s...

Fast and Easy Progressive Democratic 2012 Voting Guide for Orange County, California

VOTER GUIDE FOR ELECTION DAY,  TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Tonight I was watching CNN and I realized I should post a fast and easy voter guide to take the polls on Tuesday. IF THIS VOTER GUIDE SEEMS VERY BASIC, THAT WAS MY GOAL. Elections are complicated. I chose to make this as clear and easy to understand as possible.  I wish I could make it even easier. These are my suggestions for voting if you care about keeping schools and public education strong, our nation safe sound, our people healthy and protect civil liberties.  This is the best way to vote if, like me, you are a Progressive Democrat in Orange County, CA who cares about public safety and a strong eduction. VOTER GUIDE FOR ELECTION DAY,  TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Yes: President Obama Yes: Diane Feinstein Congressmen/woman choices: District 38:  Yes: Linda Sanchez District 39: Yes : Jay Chin District 45:  Yes: Sukhee Kang District 46:  Yes :  Loretta ...

WAITING FOR SUPERMAN: New film by director of An Inconvenient Truth

Sometimes a film hasn't even opened yet, and you just know it's going to be great: Such is the case regarding the new documentary "Waiting For Superman," made  by director of An Inconvenient Truth.   This film examines how our education system is failing our kids. Notable quote: "When you see a great teacher, you are seeing a work of art." "Coming Soon For a nation that proudly declared it would leave no child behind, America continues to do so at alarming rates. Despite increased spending and politicians promises, our buckling publiceducation system, once the best in the world, routinely forsakes the education of millions of children. Oscar®—winning filmmaker Davis Guggenheim (AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) reminds us that education statistics have names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily, whose stories make up the engrossing foundation of WAITING FOR SUPERMAN. As he follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, ...

Race To Nowhere trailer: Documentary about pressures kids face today.

Pressure. Overwork. Test scores. Stress related illness. Lack of sleep. Suicide rates. -- Just what do we consider "successful" children to be, anyway? Time for people to comprehend all that is lost when don't make our children and their emotional health a top priority in our society. Looking forward to seeing more than just the trailer to this timely film. Here's what the film's website,  ReelLinkFilms ,  says about the documentary: "Director Vicki Abeles turns the personal political by igniting a national conversation in this groundbreaking documentary about the pressures American schoolchildren and their teachers face moving into the 21st century What started as a private family matter widened into a cogent examination of systemic pressures faced by youth and teachers today an increased focused on test scores, a shrinking global economy and increasingly unrealistic expectations of parents, universities, school districts and soci...