
Showing posts with the label Comments

Comments to Joel Stein's Op-Ed piece on Peanut Allergies in Los Angeles Times this month

I'm one of those rare folks who actually find it interesting to see how many others were either pro or con, and just why. For whatever it's worth, my posts are #22, #23, #72 & #113 For the record, I kept adding comments on the LAT site, but didn't see them. so, for some inexplicable reason started using another name to get see it that would work. Not quite sure why 'Enid Blatsby' was the best I felt I could do at the time. 1. Ah Joel Stein, you work so hard to make yourself so ignorant. I refuse to read you anymore, but I think I'll start urging the times to give you the axe. Submitted by: Shane 5:10 PM PST, January 9, 2009 2. love it...this article couldn't be truer. yes peanut allergies are bad and can be fatal but for god sakes its quite rare. I grew up not long ago in the 80's/90's when no one ever worried about what particular food they were allergic to and we all survived. To ban peanuts from school because a tiny percentage are allergic ...