Play "How to Spot the freakishly tall guy in a tux" game, and DIY Oscar Night

Every single year I have to endure what can only be called "Southern California Hell" watching my husband (not me?) head off to the red carpet to the Oscars, year after year. (My hubby's a pop culture reporter for The Orange County Register , so he actually gets PAID to to do this.) And so, while I've resigned myself to this fate, I still feel pretty grumpy seeing him drive off in a tux without me, ad naseum...I mean, does this seem fair to you? Well trust me, it isn't. In any event, due to this travesty of justice, my kids and I have sort-of made a game of trying to keep our own Oscar night as fun as we can right here at home. Here's a few tricks that have worked for me when my husband leaves to interview Kate Winslet while I'm home watching on TV. First rule: Must have fun finger food (Probably from Trader Joe's.) Including some Martinelli's (for the kids) and a nice sparkling white for us, grown ups. And ice cre...