Why Melissa Leo should win Best Actress this year.

Because she deserves to. That's why. I mean, have you even seen Frozen River , yet? (Well, do.) She's amazing in this film. Her performance is so brave, honest and most of all, so moving. Okay. It's true, I'm biased. Because I knew her way, way back in grade school, and remember what a dazzling talent she was even back then. I watched her rehearse from the wings thinking "One day everyone will know how powerful and talented Melissa Leo is. And one day she will be honored for those gifts." Well, guess what? This is that day. ( Check out this recent story about her nomination from CNN.) This is the day when everyone needs to get off their asses and go see Frozen River . People need to know what some of us already do, that Melissa Leo is both the Bruce Springsteen and Lucinda Williams of American actresses. Simply put, she's simply one of best actresses we have working today. And Frozen River is her movie. You gotta see it. Period. And, ...