Hello, my name is Louise and I am a blogging addict.

It's true. I try to stop but I can't stay off the computer.

I've also become a zombie junkie for all things political.

I've tried to hide this from the people I live with. But, the cracks are starting to show. I'm finding hard to maintain the same facade.

I admit it: I live to check the internet.

What's going on?!

I have to have surgery tomorrow, but I don't care! I want to see what laughably idiotic thing Palin said just now.

My van died last night on the freeway, but while waiting for the tow truck to rescue me...I'm tuned into NPR...But, WHY? So that I can get back to my computer to know what to google next!

The reality is I live to troll the media outlets for news. And not just any media -- I want the hard core info: I want internet for the newest, juiciest scoop on all things Obama/McCain.

I used to, back in the olden days, get addicted to channel 56 and 30 (CNN and MSNBC) and would hit that "last" button incessantly toggling between the familiar talking heads. But those were back in the days of blue dresses and Ken Starr and the useless hunt for Bin Laden.

My needs have changed. I need more now. And what's worse is -- I have an opinion on it all!

Now I get nothing done. I found blogging.

These days I chase the dragon down on better stuff: Like Huffington Post, TPM, The Daily Dish, YouTube and...I'm so humiliated to go here, but I even whore my brain out on the Drudge Report, on occasion. (God, I can't believe I'm telling you this!)

Laundry piles up, dishes sit in the sink while I tell myself "It's okay. It's just one more google search. I'll log off after this one."

I do pick the kids up from school on time. I do get food on the table...but lately, the cracks are showing...I can't stop thinking about "what if I'm missing something? What did so-and-so say about what I just heard on NPR (see even in the car, I'm hooked.) And then I drive home and plop down in the office chair...and before I know it hours have passed.

But, every day the news just gets wilder and louder and more compelling and it's just so crazy, and I can't help but watch who is saying what to whom and what the crazy arrows mean and then I see "Live report" on TV and it's back to my computer screen...and then I realized. This ain't good.

Is it just me? Or is anyone on the news/google treadmill, as well, lately?

Has the world just gone so mad that one can't take their eyes off of it? Or is it just me?

I can't tell anymore.

Oh, yeah.

Ps. And this has to be the real icing on the cake, because I had to come back and add this LATER, but I also need to tell confess, and this is really, really bad, but today is my fourteenth wedding anniversary.

And I'm sitting here. Blogging. Uh oh.

Seriously, I am turning the computer off now.

If I respond to your post tonight -- SHOOT ME.


Peter Varvel said…
Ha ha! I'm addicted to facebook and keeping up with other people's blogs, too, despite how time-consuming it all is.
But I ain't got it as bad as you, Gurl!
I am always in awe of you women who manage to blog so consistently despite having both husband and children.
Happy Anniversary! As a favor to your hubby, do NOT post a response if I manage to crank out another blog entry today . . .

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