Fasten your seat belts, OC, & LA fashionistas 'cause STYLECON was in the house! 11/07/15

OC's newest, biggest event fashion and beauty expo is about to hit the runway! This time? ~ Costa Mesa, OC! v STYLE CON OC FASHION EVENT - Saturday, Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I can get you a $10 discount for this amazing deal if you go to purchase your tix at stylecon for $19 by using my promo code: LOUISE. (You're welcome!) I just spoke with Robyn Grant, one of the brains behind the beauty of this new concept in fashion who describes the event as a bit less of a shopping event than a huge exploration, fashion-forward happening, or a "platform for all things style." ---- Love it! What STYLECON.COM promises is a super fun, generous celebration of trends, culture, beauty, fashion and fitness, food, selfies, famous bloggers, free stuff by the bagful and more. Basically, if you are a women age 16 to 30+ with a heartbeat, you are gonna LOVE this event. One $29 ticket buys you all this and a massive swa...