
Showing posts with the label barcelona

Great new indie band: Barcelona

I, and apparently everyone else, posted that cool aquarium video on my blog this week. Now I find I can't get enough of the song used in that video, "Please Don't Go" which came from the new indie band, "Barcelona." And how cool is it that the reason they were cast into the spotlight was because some random, creative blogger posted a video clip that featured their music? You gotta respect the internet. Here's what Barcelona has to say about "the aquarium" experience: So, hey, I say support the dudes. Go to iTunes and buy their great music so they can make more of it.

Spike Jonze, Where The Wild Things Are, and other cool stuff

As anyone knows who's read some of my past posts, I cannot wait for Spike Jonze's release of Where The Wild Things Are , but luckily for me, Mr. Jonze has posted a cool site with all sorts of exciting, interesting other links to work which has caught his attention. We Love You So : Spike Jonze website link with links to great films soon to open Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world - (song is Please don't go by Barcelona) from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo . "We Love You" suggests that one download the above first so it plays smooth and watch it full screen.