Introducing Chinimals, and other Beasts with Bad Teeth

Okay, so you can look at the link to Photoshop Phriday, here , but only if you PROMISE not to show it to elementary school-age kids. You're only allowed to traumatize older children with these wickedly funny, but undoubtedly grotesque photos. Yes, back "in the olden days" when kids had things like "snow days" and we had crappy TV (maybe three grainy channels) and no brothers or sisters to torture or avoid torture from, I had to entertain myself with what I had lying around. So, on long days like these, I found myself doing arts and crafts with mail order catalogues left around the house. One of my favorite pastimes involved cutting and pasting catalogue images in unusual ways in a little game I am ashamed was called "Freaks." I know. It's wrong. I admit it. But, cut me some slack, I often worked in something of a vacuum at the time. I feel badly now about how upsettingly un P.C. that was. But, my parents gave me books like " Struwwel...