Bernhard Vs. Palin = Freedom of speech

Hello. I just feel like I need to add my own two cents on the Sandra Bernhard rant reaction. You must know what I mean, the whole "NY DAILY NEWS Sandra Bernhard issues 'gang rape' warning to Sarah Palin" fiasco. What do I think? I don't think it was entirely appropriate, but I do think Sarah Bernhard has the right to perform whatever she wants to. It's called Freedom. Don't like it? DONT WATCH IT. For the record: A lot of people (for some very credible reasons) have real issues with the way this "rant" went. I don't agree with a great deal of the vitriol, but I respect the right of any artist (I didn't say elementary school teacher. I didn't say doctor. I didn't say law maker..what I said was "artist".) to perform whatever they feel like performing. I think she's often very funny and she's a creative comedian who got pissed off and sort-of kind-of fucked up on the direction the rant went at the time...a...