Ruffling right-wing, OC feathers over Prop 8
I guess I must be doing something right, because I got my first "hate" spam. First of all, I just want to state how happy I am about my new discovery, finding a liberal website practically in own my back yard. (You mean...I'm not alone here?) Anyhow, one of the their topics "du jour" were arguments pro & con regarding Prop 8, including citations from Prince's "Open Letter to a Gay Friend." So, naturally I had to add my two cents. My post on The Liberal OC's website. Well, at least I know someone read my post, because here's what " OCGator " had to say: OCGator , on October 18th, 2008 at 12:33 pm Said: "My God I haven’t seen this much bullshit in a while. Plain and simple, Vote yes on 8 My Pop used to have a saying “Rave on cat shit, somebody will bury you” this applies especially to louise on the left." Gosh. He knows me so well.