Pee-Wee Herman, revisited. (About time!)

Well, it took us long enough, but we finally made it up to Club Nokia to catch the second-to-last day of The Pee-wee Herman Show . And, even though it was standing room only, we loved every minute of our 80's flashback. From the great pre-show retro hits, to the entire trip back in time to Pee-wee's Playhouse. The whole gang was there (Well, almost). Time has hardly changed a thing for Pee-wee Herman (aka actor Paul Reubens) . He still rocks the Playhouse even if Cowboy Curtis looks a bit younger and prettier, and even if Pee-wee's just a tiny bit older, it's still just timeless "middle school" fun, fun, fun: (Word of the day: "Fun!" -- Ahhhh!) ...Okay, some moments were decidedly not " middle school," but for a much older audience, but that's what we love about Mr. Reubens, right? (Word of the day: "Subversive!" Ahhhhh!) Hits and Misses: Hits: Abstinence rings. Pen Pals. Miss Yvonne's make up class. Balloon f...