Can Sanders win the black Democratic vote? He’s got a long way to go -- by Syreeta McFadden

‘His campaign, in some ways, taps into the desire for an alternative to Clinton that voters sought in 2008.’ Bernie Sanders with Dr Cornel West in South Carolina in September 2015. Photograph: Richard Ellis/Zuma Press/Corbis Tuesday 9 February 2016 05.10 EST Last modified on Tuesday 9 February 2016 15.04 EST Share on Pinterest Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+ Shares 157 Comments 265 Save for later I t took a long time for Barack Obama to woo African American voters, who were decidedly in the Hillary Clinton camp in the early weeks of the 2008 race for the Democratic nomination . The tide shifted after Obama won the Iowa caucuses, proving himself to be a viable candidate. Clinton’s strong black support began to ebb after a series of flippant remarks from Clinton herself and her biggest asset and liability, former president Bill Clinton, in advance of the primary in South Carolina – a state with a large black ...