Ricky Gervais rocked my world (well, briefly) at the Kodak Theatre, this weekend!

Here's the deal: When you marry a journalist, you may not get to drive a fancy car, but if you're lucky you may occasionally get tickets to fun things. This has been a good year for this. For instance, this weekend we both got to see Ricky Gervais in his Out Of England Tour . Better yet, it was at the Kodak theater , so I got to experience not just one hilarious show, but also see it at the famous Kodak Theatre where they also have the Oscars! Very exciting stuff, for me. For the record it was a terrific show. Ricky Gervais did not disappoint. He was engaging and funny throughout the show. The time just flew by and we both loved every minute. I was especially impressed how so often he remained the "straight man" (and I don't mean "not gay") during what was essentially one long monologue. That's not easy. But, he pulled it off with ease. For instance, he has a very funny bit about "going commando." The whole thing is mostly his re...