My Nostradamus moment...

I woke up in the middle of the night with a feeling of dread having tossed and turned for hours with fretful, forboding dreams. I realized what was going on, this was my own personal "Nostradamus Moment." Maybe it's because I've been on cough syrup and cold meds for about a week, now. I don't know why these thoughts haunt me tonight. Maybe it's because of that wierd tarot card reading at the end of tonight's Mad Men. Or, maybe it's because I fear these next two weeks leading up the election are going to be very, very challenging and it's scaring me. Let's face it, we need these elections over with. I don't know how much more stress we can all take after the past few months. But, it's how we Americans handle the stress that has me so worried. Anyhow, here's my own "3 AM call" -- from Nostradamus. I see history repeating the same mistakes it did in the past. I see McCain and Palin refuse to condemn words and acts of h...