I Can't Believe I'm Still Watching "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single" Season 3

I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M STILL SINGLE , SEASON THREE -- SHOW NUMBER ONE: Meet Eric Schaeffer: He has a "Semi auto-biographical" show about him not finding true love or anything resembling it for many a season on Showtime. God only knows why. Here's an older promo for his former seasons. I can't find one new to put here. Guess there's no money for promotion at the network this year. Meet some of his loyal entourage (Who happen to really be the main reasons I now watch this.) Meet Mark Ebner Meet Mark Ebner, a feisty die-hard investigative journalist, and self-described " New York Times Best Selling Author , " who also was Schaeffer's college pal way back when. Schaeffer wisely added Mark to the show last season, presumably, to have a "straight man" to play off. What Schaeffer may not have expected was that the onscreen presence of Ebner, who is so intuitively comfortable tooting his own horn, onl...