Zen and the art of being "Auntie 'Em."

Today: Storm clouds gather in mid to late morning. It became very quiet then started to rain, moderately for about an hour, then very heavily. It grew darker. I knew something substantial was headed our way. I felt it. In my sinuses. My head acts like a barometric bar when there's a rapid change in the weather. I went online to see why my head was pounding just so. At around 12:30 P.M. I checked with Weather Underground (Highly recommend for those weather obsessed moments in your life) and sent a concerned email to my husband that I noticed something unusual on the radar headed our way. And I include handy link to a local radar map. I mention in this hastily written email to my husband that what caught my attention was the sizable pocket of tiny fuscia squares on the radar firmly ensconced within a sizable mass of little red squares. This colorful gathering just crossed over Catalina a bit quicker than I thought it was reasonable. In my humble opinion it seems to be headed ...