"The Mommy Wars" - or - How partisan politics made the playground feel that much smaller
Okay, I give up. I have so many girl friends who have told me that they're not changing and they still intend on voting Republican that I decided not to stew, but to do something about it. So, I wrote this letter. 9-14-08 To whom it may concern: Something different is going on. Everywhere I go. People are talking about their own politics and it's changed my entire landscape. I'm not sure if it's been called this already but if I had to describe it, I'd have to call it "The Mommy Wars." Let me explain. Over the past eight years I began watching the news so closely that I (incorrectly) started assuming most other people who follow the news were also probably Democratic. If this sounds elitist, I apologize, it's just that I simply didn't understand how one could learn the cause and effect of all that's happened during the last eight years could not be opposed to it. But, now I stand corrected: Apparently, my beliefs have me in the minority. And ...