Bruno in the burbs of OC

So, last night I could stand the suspense no more and went to "Bruno." Why, some may ask, would a married mother of two want to see a movie about a crazy gay guy? Well, because actually I just wanted to see a funny movie, that's why. And I did. And it was. True, there were some stunned silences, and one or two couples, like the one to my left, who up and left after the first penis-spinning and talking bit. Let it be said, this movie is not for the faint of heart. Or for those who lack, well, I can't call it maturity, because that's not what I mean. I guess what I mean is it's not for those who lack "perspective," for lack of a better word. When purchasing a ticket to this film one needs to realize two important things: One: "Bruno" no more speaks for all gay men, than Tyler Perry's "Medea" speaks for all African-American women. And, Two: It ain't for the kids. Seriously, there were kids there, last night. ...