My spawn's adventure in Youth Community Theater-land...

NOTE: This post was written last year . November, 2007. I just cut (changed names) and pasted it into it's own posting just now. So, my daughter wants to act. This should not surprise anyone who knows me, because I used to act and I love acting still. But, what did surprise me was what happened when she "auditioned" for a local children's theater production in our little corner of Orange County, Ca. Below is an honest account of what kind of insane romp passed for a "doing quality children's theater" in a city sponsored working "Youth Theater Guild" right, smack, in, say, one of the most conservative places in California. (on a military base. Is this place conservative? Just a little.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My daughter is lovingly referred to as "spawn" in this post, but only in "homage" to her play's unusual, directorial past. "Spawn" is nothing ...