I'll give you a hint, it's a "C" word (No, not Communism ) and is roundly considered quite tasteless in certain circles. -- I'm sure Grandma loved this one! So, I have to share something with you -- -- Yesterday, I posted a video which really offended one of my few blog-readers. Upon her request I took it down right away, because "my personal protester" made a valid point about it appearing to be too pro-violence toward women. Since the subject of that video happened to be, a shameless wolf killing, moose-skinning "Six Pack Joe" herself, and sure isn't my idea of a typical woman, I have to admit, this one did get by me. My bad. However, my husband, who is a "professional writer," was shocked when I told him I was posting this today. He thought I should've left up the one with Terry Tate tackling Palin and not posted this. He argues that while he thinks it's funny, too, that since it's using a word he says...