Eric Schaeffer in upcoming new series: "Gravity" on Starz

Recently, I was forwarded an interesting press release regarding Eric Schaeffer's upcoming new "dramady" called " Gravity," produced by Starz Media , and felt that it may be time to revisit this subject again. Besides, as luck would have it, it turns out that tomorrow is Schaeffer's birthday (1/22/62). How best to celebrate a filmmaker than by paying homage to his work while awaiting the premiere of his soon to be aired, Gravity . Listed below are some of Schaeffer's previous film trailers along as well as some of these trailer's "hits and misses." Trailers below: from Fall, (1997), If Lucy Fell, (1996) and Wirey Spindell, (2000) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trailer from If Lucy Fell (1996) IF LUCY FELL trailer hits and misses: Best moment in trailer : Ben Stiller: "I -- art." Worst moment in trailer : Sarah Jessica Parker: "Joe, would you drink my spit?" Most redundant th...