Elizabeth Edwards is my hero.

Elizabeth Edwards is My Hero! ~ Storyville OriginalsT-Shirts, Tee Shirts, Storyville This woman has survived so. damn. much. And still keeps ticking. Read Elizabeth Edwards full statement here. (from Daily Kos) By the way: Excuse me, but WTF, John?! What is with you southern boys? Keep your freakin' pants on, you idiots. Alas. Since ancient Rome, there have always been "Rielle Hunters." She is an archetype that will always exist. Until men figure out that keeping their pants on is "a good thing" for establishing a solid political career, there will always be a "Rielle Hunter." However, that being said, still, today was a let down. Any hero's left? HORN-DOGS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: KEEP YOUR PANTS ZIPPED AND STEP AWAY FROM THE BAIT." (Okay, Michelle...You need to put the fear of God in your, boy, because apparently all power corrupts.) Obama had better not let us down, that's all I can say. What a bummer. Until I get sta...