
Showing posts with the label california

California Inspires Me: Jack Black (2014)

California Inspires Me: Jack Black (2014) from Nicolas Ménard on Vimeo . The California Sunday Magazine, in collaboration with Google Play, approached me to participate to their California Inspires Me project, a series of animated interviews on Californian artists. This time, Jack Black is covering growing up in Hermosa Beach, an early crush and Spicoli lifestyles.

Fast and Easy Progressive Democratic 2012 Voting Guide for Orange County, California

VOTER GUIDE FOR ELECTION DAY,  TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Tonight I was watching CNN and I realized I should post a fast and easy voter guide to take the polls on Tuesday. IF THIS VOTER GUIDE SEEMS VERY BASIC, THAT WAS MY GOAL. Elections are complicated. I chose to make this as clear and easy to understand as possible.  I wish I could make it even easier. These are my suggestions for voting if you care about keeping schools and public education strong, our nation safe sound, our people healthy and protect civil liberties.  This is the best way to vote if, like me, you are a Progressive Democrat in Orange County, CA who cares about public safety and a strong eduction. VOTER GUIDE FOR ELECTION DAY,  TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Yes: President Obama Yes: Diane Feinstein Congressmen/woman choices: District 38:  Yes: Linda Sanchez District 39: Yes : Jay Chin District 45:  Yes: Sukhee Kang District 46:  Yes :  Loretta ...

Coldplay convert in the OC

During "Yellow" hundreds of huge yellow orbs began bouncing over us. Light, fluffy glowing orbs all over the audience. Yes. I did mean to use that word, "Convert." Prior to last night I'd been a fan of the band, just not a super freak for Coldplay . But, that was prior to about 9:05 pm last night. Because, I am now. Mind you, I'd been very excited to learn we had tickets for an A-list event like this. But, I have to admit, I really had no idea what I was in for going to a Coldplay concert. The Coldplay concert last Sunday was massive in the true meaning of the word. It was multi-sensory experience, and larger than life and an event that clearly a great deal of thought and planning and expense had gone into. I should have known things would be massive given just the size of the tickets. This event was so huge even the tickets were airplane-ticket sized. The visual effects were extraordinary . These glowing orbs were always moving and changing color...

Louise on the Left's Cliff Notes for the research-challenged Liberal Progressive Californian

Louise on the Left's Cliff Notes for the lazy California Liberal Progressive. For those of us with busy lives and not enough time to research things fully, here are a few more links re: endorsements and recommendations regarding the California Special Elections May 19 th , 2009. Also, the election? It's today Like, Tuesday, May 19 th , today -- Later that day -- So, my husband I have been clicking around and STILL have been talking about what the right way to vote really is. It's confusing. He said "none of them will pass." I said "so, why don't we save them?" (I suddenly felt sorry for them. Like they'd been left at the animal shelter.) He said, "Well, because that first link you put up suggested not to." I asked him to recap for me why that was. He reminded me one of my first links was to a progressive group that urged people to vote "no" on all of them . "Why?" I asked, clearly still confused by it all. He f...

"Bargain hunting" during summer "Staycation"

I was so relieved that Bush had a press conference a few days ago to set us straight on the economy. Until he told me otherwise, I could have sworn this was a recession. Give us a break. We go to the market. We go to the gas stations, we pay our bills. We all see the "for sale" signs littering the front lawns of all our neighborhoods. I think we have a bit of a clue that things are "not good" and certainly we know there is far less money available to us these days. In our bank accounts, that is. The truth is, I never thought that things could get this tight for everyone, but it seems none of us have quite as much money as we used to. It ain't easy making ends meet. Which requires if not "thinking outside the box" certainly encourages me to " shop outside the box." But, I just have to comment again on the press conference Bush thing. So, it's live, on every channel, first thing in the morning he's calling press conference to cal...