One California voter's opinion about Prop 8

Okay, only because the writer gave me persmission to, and only because I'm so busy today am I going to relent and "borrow heavily" from Prince Gomolvilas in order to further articulate why prop 8 is SO WRONG.

Let me clarify this for anyone new to my blog: I am a married, heterosexual, wife and mother of two beautiful children. I live in Orange County, CA and I STRONGLY OPPOSE PROP 8. I think Prop 8 is all about hate. ( Easy to remember this fact, "Prop 8 = H8")

But, incase you are undecided on this issue, please take a moment to look this over and consider why I feel voting for civil rights is the only right thing to do.


Lie #1:
"Schools began teaching second graders that boys can marry boys."
-- Uh, no. Does this sound stupid? It is.
This ad is referring to one specific Massachusetts court case. Using the plural "schools" is a gross exaggeration to make it sound like its a widespread practice that's terrorizing the state.

Lie #2:
"Under California law, public schools instruct kids about marriage." -- Look, if this is what you fear by sending your kids to school, wait to you see the library! They let kids read Harry Potter, too! Oh no!
-- According to the Los Angeles Times, "there is nothing in the state education code that requires schools to teach anything about marriage. Even the decision about whether to offer comprehensive sex education is left up to individual school districts." Also, unlike Massachusetts, California has broad opt-out provisions that allow parents to remove their children from class if they feel certain material is objectionable.

Lie #3:
"Teaching children about gay marriage will happen here unless we pass Proposition 8." And learning about California Missions will make them want to live in one.
-- Prop 8 has absolutely nothing to do with school instruction; the state education code barely even mentions any kind of marriage at all, let alone instruction; and guess what?—there are already provisions that say that instruction may not promote bias against anyone on the basis of several categories, including sexual orientation. That's right! The education code has already been protecting gays for years—with no fanfare or controversy or corruption of schoolchildren. Check out the Sacramento Bee.

I'm warning all you Sarah Palin supporters out there -- Go on. Repress and censor and work yourselves up into states of hysteria over your religion-fueled fear of homosexuality in schools...All your tantrums do is make the "dark side" that much more interesting to the truly curious.

One question for Sarah Palin's fans: Did Sarah Palin's Christian fundamental views keep her own children from getting pregnant before graduating high school? -- Nope.

Thanks, again, to Prince Gomolvilas for letting me "borrow" from his great post "Stop Lying To Make Your Case."


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