Totally disgusted with Pro-Prop 8, California

Look, I don't know what to say, but I'm getting really worried about the mentality of my fellow Californians, recently.

I think anyone who loves each other and goes to the trouble to get married should have the rights of a married couple.

I simply am appalled by all the hate I see around me suggesting (wrongly) that a vote for Prop 8 is, somehow, "protecting marriage."

Well, I'm married (to a man, in case that matters to anyone reading this)  and it doesn't protect my marriage.

Let's face it, voting for Prop 8 is VALIDATING HATE.

Voting for Prop 8 has ZERO to do with religious freedom.  It has everything to do with hating gays and lesbians.

I'm so outraged at the signs, comments, videos I see (and worse, that our children also see) all  sending the message "If you are gay, then we hate you and consider your rights meaningless.   People who are not heterosexual are not as good as we are.  Go away."

Well, I do NOT believe this. I've seen the cancer that lies at the heart of this kind of hate and bigotry and I refuse to endorse it.   Hate is hate.  Tolerance is freedom.

As a happily married wife and mother of two beautiful girls, I want the world to know I do not believe this sick, anti-gay ideology.

I know that my children can only be hurt by another person's marriage if those people happen to be unhappily married.

Voting against Prop 8 insures happier marriages,  because less people are forced into loveless marriages (by church or society) and  have more freedom to choose partners from their hearts, alone.

I believe in a world big enough for all of us to be whoever we are.   There is enough room and tolerance for us all to be together.  

In other words, to be who we already are, out in the open without fear of hatred and violence. Props or no props, you can't legislate the human heart.

Tolerance creates more space.   Acceptance creates more opportunity for growth.  And love?  Well, I thought it was what made the world go round.

If California changes the Constitution to exclude marriage between those of the same sex, then we are, indeed, so ignorant and hateful that we do deserve God's wrath.

Speaking of religion, (which apparently this is all about, isn't it?) what would Jesus have to say about Prop 8?

Who knows?   We, weren't there.   And, frankly, neither were most of his biographers, but clearly, from the little it does appear he was responsible for communicating, Jesus did not tell people to behave with hate toward each other. I think he would be happy to see people take a vow of commitment to based on fidelity and love.  

From what I've learned, Jesus also didn't hate people because they were "different," he reached out to everyone, from every walk of life from the deepest place of respect. 

Frankly, I think Jesus would be sick to his stomach if he knew what mean and cruel acts were committed against other in his name. (or His.   I don't know, I'm agnostic.   But, a spiritual one.)

In any event, consider the unintentional impact of approving prop 8 on those featured in the video below.

Is California going to punish everyone for not voting along with the Christian Calvary?  What was that about separation of church and state?  


Peter Varvel said…
Thank you, Louise on the Left.
Somehow, it seems to have more impact when these words are coming from a heterosexual human being, especially when they fall on other heterosexual people's ears.
Again, thank you, and *BIG HUG*.

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