Finally saw "Where The Wild Things Are!"

A loyal "WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE" fan. So after many long months of waiting to see this movie, I finally got a chance to go see a matinee of "Where the Wild Things Are" this week with my daughter and her Brownie Troop. (But, for the record: I've been eagerly awaiting seeing this movie for months: Click here for my former post .) This week she and her fellow third grader girl buddies all got a full tour of the cinema. They went up to the projection room, each received their own box of popcorn and drink, and to top it all off, each got a "Wild Things" paper crown to wear! Not too shabby, for your average Brownie field trip! I was really excited because I knew this would be a great opportunity to get a broader perspective on how others liked the film. Note* Unfortunately, I don't have a photo here of the girls sitting in a row in their Brownie vests and paper crowns, but you'll just have to take my word that it was pretty adorabl...