
Showing posts with the label Prince Gomolvilas

Mysterious Skin: An amazing night of theater at East West Players

Last night I made my way up and out of Orange County to go see " Mysterious Skin ," a play written by my friend and blogger pal, Prince Gomolvilas, which is now enjoying its Los Angeles premiere at East West Players. I have to say, I was in a hurry last night, so while flying up the 110 freeway, I worked to make my mind an empty slate about what I t hought  the play was going to be like.  I knew only that it was going to be shocking. True, I had heard the play (based on Scott Heim's novel) was "adult" and gay-themed, but other than this, I attempted to keep my understanding of what to expect last night as spoiler-free as possible. I wanted to absorb as much as possible last night completely free of preconceptions.   Luckily,  I actually made it to my seat just in time to hear a lovely introduction by the play's director, Tim Dang, before the show began.  And I'm so grateful I was there for the first night of the run.   " Mysterious Skin ...

What Prince's Sister's Breast Implants Have To Do With Golf

Another fine excuse to get to know Prince Gomolvilas. ( Bamboo Nation ) Check out his What My Sister's Breast Implants Have To Do With Golf "

What Prince's Sister's Breast Implants Have To Do With Golf

Another good reason to love Prince Gomolvilas of Bamboo Nation : Check him out doing this piece called " What My Sister's Breast Implants Have To Do With Golf ."

Louise's big gay bus ride!

This weekend I kissed my husband and kids goodbye to go on a long awaited date with the one and only Prince Gomolvilas (of the always fabulous blog, Bamboo Nation ) for a one-of-a-kind bus tour: " Out And About Tours ," a unique trek through Los Angeles’ LGBT history, all viewed from the upper tier of a double- decker bus. How cool is that? *Note: To read more about our date, be sure to read about it on The Bilerico Report, here . The tour was everything it promised to be plus an ice cold drink and a bag of chips! This first ever GLBT history tour of Los Angeles is a non-stop giddy whirlwind of laughs, jeers and cheers all spirited along by an attractive team of actors and tour guides who brought to life the many tales and facts woven together by the talented creator of the tour, founder Jim Anzide . The trip was a whirlwind flight through the City of Angels, a journey that happened to be chock full of laughs, and stories that will stay with me fore...

Oh, dementia, you better treat me good

Thanks to my cyber-hero, Prince, at Bamboo Nation , I've been listening to this great indie rock song, and also, like Prince, feel so much love for it that I need to share it on my blog, too. I LOVE this song. ( Yes, you can actually download it here, for free .) How can you not love a song with lines like "Dementia, be good to me." An indie rock song with a catchy sense of humor that also captures a snapshot of what I feel about life du jour as well as why I still adore classical music or sing with the Orange County Women's Chorus? -- Say, what? -- I love this song. Muchas Gracia, Bamboo Nation, for constantly digging out the cool stuff and raising the bar for the rest of us cyber nerds.

Flying my own freedom prayer flags high all year

Another positive change after reading   Bamboo Nation. Hot Yoga.   Really.   And, it is. Yesterday, Prince Gomolvilas's New Year's Resolution post finally inspired me to stop procrastinating and finally go to a "Core Power Yoga" class for the first time! Look, I know that doesn't sound like much, to normal people, but I have some boring health issues, and the most limiting one of those is my knee problems. Truthfully, my knees have often kept me from dealing with my physical life, but, lately I've committed to making a change for myself. I love writing, but movement is often an overlooked enterprise when one is lost over their keyboard. So, I wanted to change that tune for myself. Somewhere between Prince's blog and being somewhere, amazing, like VT, I have decided not to let one bum knee keep my body from, well, "being under challenged." So, I looked hard at what I loved about being back in a place like Brattleboro, Vt. (or Northamption, Ma.)...

Ruffling right-wing, OC feathers over Prop 8

I guess I must be doing something right, because I got my first "hate" spam. First of all, I just want to state how happy I am about my new discovery, finding a liberal website practically in own my back yard. (You mean...I'm not alone here?) Anyhow, one of the their topics "du jour" were arguments pro & con regarding Prop 8, including citations from Prince's "Open Letter to a Gay Friend." So, naturally I had to add my two cents. My post on The Liberal OC's website. Well, at least I know someone read my post, because here's what " OCGator " had to say: OCGator , on October 18th, 2008 at 12:33 pm Said: "My God I haven’t seen this much bullshit in a while. Plain and simple, Vote yes on 8 My Pop used to have a saying “Rave on cat shit, somebody will bury you” this applies especially to louise on the left." Gosh. He knows me so well.

Very cool group/video I actually think I discovered before Pete did!

So, my husband, Pete, (or "Pedro" of Pedro And The Watcher at Orange County Register ) who usually kicks my ass when it comes to finding cool new music finally was scooped by me in our house. He has a gig teaching journalism in Long Beach and said the some of his students started wearing T-Shirts with this group's name on it, but he hasn't heard them yet . (Well, I did.) So, for once I get to introduce something to him! Now that I know who they are I guess we missed a chance to see them as he said he thought they may have come through town recently, in any event, it took Prince at Bamboo Nation (As usual.) to get me to really take a look at these guys (Sorry, honey. I have a new gay bfriend. & I haven't even met him!) but this video is great. Yeah, I really like them, too. If you've never heard them before check them out...They're different. How often do you hear that?