Dr. Oz's shameless ratings grab with Carnie Wilson
Okay, so last Friday my daughter and I both were home sick during another rainy weekday, so while I just let her nap next to me I quietly flipped on the daytime television, which is something I almost never do. Thus, it was under these circumstances that I saw my first and only "Dr. Oz" show. ( Notice how I feel compelled to apologize for watching daytime T.V.?) Anyhow, Friday's Dr. Oz show was featuring celebrity, Carnie Wilson, who apparently Dr. Oz was gracing with a surprise weight loss intervention program. -- Oh, Carnie, you're so lucky! What I found incredulous was his keeping a straight face while explaining that his program is based on "the Biology of Blubber." (Oooo. Sign me up!) But, Dr. Oz went on to explain that it's really just a "back to basics" program. Okay, sounds easy. Cool But, in his case, that means literally throwing out everything in your house, except maybe water, tofu and tampons. (In her case, it happened to b...