Not so alone in the OC, after all!

What surprises me the most is when they honk from behind. This is new for me. But, twice today I've been honked at and passed by drivers thrilled by my Obama stickers, giving me an enthusiastic "thumbs-up" sign as they gleefully pass me. One even rolled down his window to shout "Me, too! I thought I was the only one, here!" Huh? When did it get to be cool to support Obama in the OC? Seriously, this is Orange County. I thought I was the only one. When you live here in Orange County, CA, it's easy to think you're the only Democrat or Obama supporter in town. But when you look at actual final vote count, it's clear you've got a lot of company. Check out the numbers from Tuesday: McCain: 430,360 votes for just 50 percent of the total. Obama; 401,605 votes for 47 percent of the total. That's the best a Democratic presidential candidate has done in the OC since at least 1964, and also the worst a Republican has done since then. So it goes ...