VOTE EARLY! Just do it! -- Here's how...
So, today Pete and I drove down to The Westminster Mall so we could vote early. However, once we arrived we discovered that the "locations to vote early in Orange County, CA" were, now, closed till election day. BUT -- I made a phone call to the Registrars Office and happily discovered they'd decided to keep the Registrars offices early for voting up to election day and that we could go there this weekend to vote early! So, I'm going to let you know where you can go to do the same thing if you want to beat the lines, avoid stress and snafus and just plain BE DONE WITH IT so that you can spend all election day in front of CNN and MSNBC without having to miss any election results that entire day. YOU CAN VOTE EARLY SATURDAY SUNDAY, AND MONDAY FROM 8 - 5! The place is clean and nice, the people were friendly and helpful and the line was short -- So, Just do it, okay? Registrar of Voters Office, Santa Ana HOURS Monday thru Friday, 8a-5p. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY! ADD...