Wait! (sound of screeching tires.) Allison may be perfect for Eric.

-- Whoa!

Just found this clip.

But, now after seeing her sheer joy playing a sultry Ring-mistress, keeping "the rowdy crowds at bay with her lightening quick riding crop." Or whatever that was at (Cirque du So Gay) a Vt. pride/ gay rights celebration sheds an entirely new light on this week's episode of Eric Schaeffer's Vermont date with Allison on "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single."

Yep, I take back what I said before, Allison could very well be perfect for Mr. Eric Schaeffer.

(If he can keep up with her, that is. She really is up his alley, so to speak.)

Check it out.

All potential ego or chemistry clashes aside: This chick does, perhaps, seem quite right for Eric Schaeffer, I do wonder why it didn't seem that apparent to me on his show, though.

I may be a straight, married woman with kids and living in beige-oh Orange County, Ca, but I just have to say this clip demonstrates one more reason why I love so Vermont. People have always done their own thing there, (Like in New Orleans, too, where I was born) and I love that about that about any place. Vermont is like the West Village, but with trees, meadows, streams and all the privacy you want.

I'd love the OC more if it could get more like that, too...*sigh.

I should have been Marlo Thomas's daughter: "Free to be you and me" seems to be my motto, too.

What can I say? I love being around people who know who they are and love who they are, and, I'm sorry, but does this look like a fun part-ay, or what?

So, my call now is either for Lauren or Allison.

But, chemistry is everything, and that's not something I can get from his show.


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