Tyra tells America's Next Top Model her face is "wha-wha."

Okay, so I never started out as an America's Next Top Model fan, yet somehow we started watching it and now, well, I enjoy it because it's so campy and bizarre. I dislike the message it sends women, however I've become mesmerized by the spectacle of it all.

I do love the way Tyra runs her hen house. I'm amazed that a former super-model so effortless has become such a powerhouse. She's so dramatic and over-the-top. Very entertaining delivery.

However, my favorite moment last week was when Tyra narrowed the final two to two models, Aminat and Celia. Then, Tyra shares this career observation with the runner up.

"...Pretty girl! But, there's something about the mathematics of your face when it comes to how the light hits it in a photo that sometimes is genius and sometimes is wha-wha."

"Wha-wha??! Can you imagine having Tyra tell you this to your face?

OMG! This so makes me laugh everytime.

Here it is: America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 Episode 12 Elimination. (
"wha-wha" is at 2:41 secs)

Kind of a l
ong clip, but, worth it.


Peter Varvel said…
LMAO, I'm going to start using that!
Me, too!
Guess what, though? Same model got blasted off the show FOR GOOD with -- are you sitting down?



Have to blog this right now.

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