Celebrity Apprentice "Beyond white trash." Yes!

Dang! -- How about that last bitch fight on "The Celebrity Apprentice?"

That was great TV.

Bamboo Nation (who blogs about this and so many other topics with far more skill than I.) loved the line "Whore pit vipers!" which, let's face it, is an easy sound bite to swoon over, but I actually have a few other "favorite moments" from that show to weigh in on, too.

First of all -- whew! Happy Mothers Day? And how about that mother and daughter team?

I love how loyal they are. It doesn't matter what they're pissed about, or why, but I just love that they'd go to the mat for each other like that. No. Matter. What. Do not mess with the mothers and their daughters. Never. You will be shredded.

My favorite lines:

Joan Rivers: (to Brande Roderick and Annie Duke): "And you?! You give money with blood on it. I met your people in Vegas for forty years and none of them have last names! None of them!
You're a poker player. A
pokah playah! -- That's beyond white trash."

Annie Duke: (In whiny, nasal voice) "Poker players are the most awesome people in the world."

Joan Rivers: "Poker players are trash, dahling!" (Exit, Joan.)

Well, see for yourself.

Donald Trump knows how to crank out gold from crap. You have to hand it to him for casting great "The Celebrity Apprentice" shows.


I'm glad I'm not alone!!!!!

And yes, the way Joan says, "A pokah playah!," is sublime.
I know, it's true.

God, she's great isn't she? That woman can so think on her feet -- I have SO much respect for how she handles herself on the fly. That's when you notice how intelligent and creative people are, when they improvise like that.

Even Annie, who is one crafty chick, can't manage to manipulate Joan. Joan is awesome.

She's like Xena-Joan.
Pedro said…
Has anyone seen my invisible wire? I can't find my invisible wire.
Ha ha ha! Tom Green was hysterical in this last episode!

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