Television Confessions: Shows I love and adore.

Okay, I'm not proud of this fact, but I love my television shows.

And, I can't believe I haven't blogged this before, but I wanted to share what my particular favorite shows are, in case anyone else shares the same addictions and wants to chat about how wonderfully awful they are.

First of all there's the reality TV:

Celebrity Apprentice, Wife Swap, Trading Spouses, plain old Apprentice, Survivor, Top Chef, Project Runway, I Can't Believe I'm Still Single (Yes, that really is what it's called.) America's Next Top Model, My Life On The D-List, and, as always, for my Friday night date with Pete, we have to watch Bill Maher.

As for non-reality TV I adore, love and can't enough of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Californication, Sex and The City, Extras (love Ricky Gervais) and...gosh, there has to more than that, isn't there? There used to be on HBO, but those dang series shows keep running out of episodes. I'm still really upset about Six Feet Under.

In fact, the day before yesterday as I was preparing my "fairy garden-birthday party" for my daughter's festivities (tomorrow! Ahh!) I was overwhelmed by a six-lane freeway of ants in the kitchen. I tried to wipe them away, again, and again. They just poured into my kitchen from seemingly nowhere, to march, seemingly also nowhere and I couldn't make them stop. I started begging with the ants to please take their party elsewhere. They ignored me. They taunted me. I pleaded with them. "What is it you seek, oh ants?"

Then -- it came to me. I was making little houses and toadstools for my kid's birthday party and chatting with the ants: I had become "Lisa" from Six Feet Under.

Momentarily. Then I got out the boric acid and got all "Brenda" on their asses.

God, I miss that show.

That show did change my life. It revolutionized how I thought about writing. Anything goes if it's authentic. If you can make something authentic, you can write about anything you want, and someone, somewhere will understand you.

How cool is that?

(Alan Ball: One day I want to meet you & thank you in person for making me aware of this.)

I did enjoy "The United States of Tara," but never finished watching it. I should, I liked it a lot.

Any suggestions for me? I know my husband Pete's heavily into 24, Heroes, The Office, Chuck, 30 Rock (the last two, actually, I have come to love, but it took a while.)

Oh, how could I forget? Of course, and American Idol, but my kids and husband (Pete) had to twist my arm to make me watch it until I was firmly hooked. It wasn't like I had much choice in the matter for the past few years. However, I enjoy it, now. I enjoy hearing what Simon has to say, because it's usually precisely what I think. I like his merciful honesty.

So, these are my high brow obsessions: I can't help myself. I've gone to the dark side.


jmoreaumcgowan said…
I miss 6 Feet Under too. Unbelievable show in every way. And how 'bout the phenomenon of sharing a show with you r kid? Y'know, they get to the age where it isn't cool to curl up with a book and your Mom anymore but if you share a tv show,before you know it your feet are in Mom's lap and that's acceptable. (My son & I love Lost and he spots all the clues way before me.)

Mad Men. The best.And I always think beauty pageants are the top in terms of comedy. (The first reality shows, right?)

Write on Miss TV head.
Well, gee. I don't know about sharing Six Feet Under with my kids, yet.

There were a lot of adult-only themes going on there that I don't want to have to explain in elementary school, which is how old they were when the show was running.

But, yeah, I suppose when they're much older it will be fun sharing the shows with them, should they even like them.

Mad Men with my girls? Hmmmm. I wouldn't want to share Don Draper with them anytime before 27.

I think we have the most fun watching Trading Spouses and Wife Swap together with the kids.

We always come off looking so good compared to the freaks and clowns they find.

It helps my mommy-ego watching the worst parents the networks could find that day.


And, that's "Mrs. TV Head," to you, sister!
Thank you for your comments, I should add!

I appreciate the feedback, especially from a fellow esteemed thesbian.

(And not even the one in the mohawk with pierced nipples, either.)

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