Best kind of Mother's Day, ever

Today is Mother's Day

Today is also my youngest daughter's birthday!

Happy Birthday, Anna Lily!

To my brand new 8 year old, and my still very 12 year old!

I love you both, SO much.

I'm so lucky. I'm the luckiest mother, ever.

(This was the moment Juliet first met Anna Lily.
Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach, May 10, 2001)

Happy Mother's Day to both my daughters!


Peter Varvel said…
Oh! Such a sweet and lovely post! Happy Belated Mother's Day to the three of you!
aww! Thank you!

We had a great time and now she's helping me put together all the ingredients for a "fairy garden" craft for her birthday party this weekend. 15 gardens all with their own toadstool, fairy, ofcourse, birdhouse cleverly disguised as a fairy cottage with thatched roofs, moss, daisies, pansies, miniature pinwheel, glitter and a gnome. I have no idea how this will go, but I plan to serve hotdogs and lemonade and play "fairy music."

I love this age. The magic is so real to them and I treasure it so!

We have been planting a huge butterfly garden, too, that I am hoping will be blooming this weekend!

What can I say? I shameless adore my girls!


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