Louise on the Left's Cliff Notes for the research-challenged Liberal Progressive Californian

Louise on the Left's Cliff Notes for the lazy California Liberal Progressive.

For those of us with busy lives and not enough time to research things fully, here are a few more links re: endorsements and recommendations regarding the California Special Elections May 19th, 2009.

Also, the election? It's today
Like, Tuesday, May 19th, today

-- Later that day --

So, my husband I have been clicking around and STILL have been talking about what the right way to vote really is. It's confusing.

He said "none of them will pass."

I said "so, why don't we save them?" (I suddenly felt sorry for them. Like they'd been left at the animal shelter.)

He said, "Well, because that first link you put up suggested not to."

I asked him to recap for me why that was.

He reminded me one of my first links was to a progressive group that urged people to vote "no" on all of them.

"Why?" I asked, clearly still confused by it all.

He finally explained it in a way that made sense to me.

"To force the Sacramento fat cats go back to the drawing board and raise taxes on the top wealthiest people, that's why. Because that's the only way to really fund all of the things we really care about, like education and health care."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Ha."

So, let me explain it out a bit more clearly:

Because in reality these specific propositions wouldn't do much more than make a tiny dent in our still huge deficit, and if the props fail in this special election, then, we (self-described "progressives") hope it might force Sacramento to accept that they are finally desperate enough to change our state tax-and-budget system (including raising taxes on the wealthiest 2% of the population) and then, and only then finally start to fix this problem we have every year.

Okay, so -- back to some links so you can make up your own minds...

Here's a link to LAProgressive's Endorsements

Here's a link to California Democratic Party endorsements

And the Los Angeles County Democratic Party endorsements

Links to several California Voter Guide(s) Nonpartisan clearinghouse of special election info & links

Link to the Courage Campaign -- Which was actually my first post on this topic, which started it all.

Good luck & hope Louise & Pete sort-of helped you figure things out.


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