Sarah Palin: The pitbull doth wear lipstick.
I just finished watching McCain's VP pick give her RNC speech and all I can say is, oh, my God. I just want someone to throw up with.
Seriously, that bitch is why I hate that bitch.
Naturally, my husband isn't here to hold the bucket because he "has to review Bob Dylan" tonight. I have to be sick to my stomach alone. As. Usual.
She even made a joke during her speech tonight.
She asked Republican convention goers,
"What's the difference between Hockey Moms and Pitbulls? -- Lipstick."
Well, tonight the pitbull doth wear lipstick.
Sarah Palin is pretty much everything I despise all in one tidy nut(shell.).
Truly, she has to be the most rabid, hateful, uber-snarky bitch I've ever seen...since Thatcher ranted at us during the 80's.
Her lies and her comments just disgusted me, but unfortunately it's the "football" mentality that I think will appeal to all the middle states. It's so easy to look "victorious" when mean and hateful and lying is seen as a character plus.
Will blog more later -- I'm just so grossed out at I had to share this right away.
She knows so much NOW about being a Vice President? She sure didn't until recently.
Since when is it okay to slime the democrats for their personal flaws, but if a Republican family has a mess to clean up it's un-American to comment on that? I guess that's about as fair as it is to make a snarky joke about how stupid it is to be concerned with a prisoner's rights during the Iraq War. She's a pitbull, alright.
So, my first question for her is this: If she's so smart and tough and pro-abstinence, then why is HER OWN CHILD AN UNWED PREGNANT KID? Is her kid from Juno? Or was she just inspired to by the movie?
What a perfect pin-up girl for Dick Cheney, she is.
OH, And if being Republican is so great, then tell me again, why you don't mention our current president, even once?
Thank you, oh never-changing Republican Party, for giving us yet one more Christian dominatrix to boss us all around..
I really needed another dose of that living here in Orange County, CA.
Seriously, that bitch is why I hate that bitch.
Naturally, my husband isn't here to hold the bucket because he "has to review Bob Dylan" tonight. I have to be sick to my stomach alone. As. Usual.
She even made a joke during her speech tonight.
She asked Republican convention goers,
"What's the difference between Hockey Moms and Pitbulls? -- Lipstick."
Well, tonight the pitbull doth wear lipstick.
Sarah Palin is pretty much everything I despise all in one tidy nut(shell.).
Truly, she has to be the most rabid, hateful, uber-snarky bitch I've ever seen...since Thatcher ranted at us during the 80's.
Her lies and her comments just disgusted me, but unfortunately it's the "football" mentality that I think will appeal to all the middle states. It's so easy to look "victorious" when mean and hateful and lying is seen as a character plus.
Will blog more later -- I'm just so grossed out at I had to share this right away.
She knows so much NOW about being a Vice President? She sure didn't until recently.
Since when is it okay to slime the democrats for their personal flaws, but if a Republican family has a mess to clean up it's un-American to comment on that? I guess that's about as fair as it is to make a snarky joke about how stupid it is to be concerned with a prisoner's rights during the Iraq War. She's a pitbull, alright.
So, my first question for her is this: If she's so smart and tough and pro-abstinence, then why is HER OWN CHILD AN UNWED PREGNANT KID? Is her kid from Juno? Or was she just inspired to by the movie?
What a perfect pin-up girl for Dick Cheney, she is.
OH, And if being Republican is so great, then tell me again, why you don't mention our current president, even once?
Thank you, oh never-changing Republican Party, for giving us yet one more Christian dominatrix to boss us all around..
I really needed another dose of that living here in Orange County, CA.
Wow, your husband thinks she's hot? Tell him she's not real, she's a poor man's "Cat Woman." This woman is plastic on the outside and really hideous on the inside. Her demeanor is verging on bullying.
I can only hope that she'll continue to spew her ugliness and really say something unavoidably horrific.
OR --- Maybe she'll have such a bad personal history that something ( Like poop?) rises to the surface.
Clearly she has QUITE an ego. And pride commeth before a fall.
Hey, I was an Edwards girl, and I felt like he had it coming -- So, if the Inquirer has something on Palin: I say -- bring it on!
Thanks for reading my blog.
yes, her voice to me is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
She is to me , as you said , pretty much all that I despise in one tiny
self-satisfied nut-shell.
and: Fake fake fake fake fake.
I will look for a video of her from a few years ago when she flirted with
Craig Fergusen on tv in such a
smarmy way, I remember at the time thinking 'Ick! What a plastic phony!'
oh well,
need to put extra special
prayers out there for the next
couple of months.
Chan P.