Democrat "talking points" when encountering Republicans

A few "talking points" for those of us stunned speechless to discover that some people actually think the GOP is fine and that McCain would be a better choice than Obama.

And yes, there are plenty of these folks still around.

These are the people you work with, or who have children school or sports with your child. They may not watch CNN or MSNBC, but they do go to church and trust what is said there. They get their news from Fox News, but, they also vote.

This is why it's so important not to just walk away shaking your head. There's a lot of work to be done really try to bring the facts to them in a way that doesn't cause them to be defensive and angry.


Talking point regarding "lipstick on a pig"

Republican : " Well, what about all those mean things Obama said about McCain's VP? She's the first woman VP ever, and listen to them! All they do is attack her non-stop!"

Democrat: "I understand that it might appear that way, but the reality is that Palin is no victim. Far from it.

Obama never called Palin names. His comment "Lipstick on a pig" is all just part of the name-gate the GOP is trying to create to make distract from the fact that Palin is under qualified and very deceitful in her speeches :

"Lipstick on a pig" is actually an old, old saying and had nothing to do with Palin, whatsoever, no matter how much the spin today may make it appear so. If you listen to the entire speech one can see what a stretch it would be to assume that was a personal attack.

The GOP spin-makers and the Republican/McCain camp is just making this issue up in an attempt to create a fake controversy to divert attention from their lack of genuine ideas for improving our country.

Plus, if it's so offensive to say that at all, then how can anyone justify McCain saying it in direct reference to Hilary Clinton's health plan? McCain called her far worse names at that time. (I'm sure we can find the clips on YouTube).

My point, being, what's good for the goose really should have been fine for Sarah Gander, if Obama had even said that at all. Which, he didn't.

But, how can any serious Republican justify McCain using the exact same lines he formerly used about Hilary and then act offended by this supposed statement? The answer: because it's all one big phony controversy.
But, see for yourself. Clip:


Talking point regarding Obama's "lack of experience"


Republican: Well, how can you explain away the lack of experience Obama has?
Democrat: Hm, well, if you think that Obama "has no experience" when he actually has -- six years in the Illinois state legislature, as well as four years in the US Senate -- then you can how can you also explain why Republicans previously voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the recall and subsequent governor elections?

Arnold Schwarzenegger had zero political experience when he was their their candidate for governor. He had done nothing but make millions of dollars as an actor -- and that was enough experience for them to vote for him to lead the most powerful state in the nation.


Okay. And I'll admit it: The whole time, here's what my real inner thoughts are. Here's the real subtext for me during the above (hypothetical) conversations:

-- "Uhm. Can you really be this thick? How can you not figure this out all on your own? What the f&*k is your problem that we actually have to debate this? Are you filthy rich? Do you even read? Ever Heard of Al Gore? Key word...Let me know if it rings a bell...okay, ready? "Global Warming?" No? Okay, let's try another..."Environment?" Do you care about any of this? Do you not get that Foreclosure is not a garage sale sign? Okay...Let's play a game: You be a wolf and I'll be Gov. Palin."

And here's what I hope my face and voice are saying: "I don't hate you. I know you have a right to feel as you do. I know you must have a good reason to think these things, and I'm going to not piss you off till I explain it as rationally as possible."


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