A crystal ball prediction: Palin will be pressured to quit by own party.

Okay, yeah. Sure, it's just a hunch.

But, given the behavior of these same people who have been in power for the past 8 years, it's not a huge stretch to predict this happening.

It's a long shot based on nothing more than body language, patterns of behavior and social psychology. This prediction is like Creationism -- No science needed.

It's also based on evidence that even the most conservative of pundits appear to be mighty worried about Palin, too.

It's just that I think Republicans are probably pretty freaked out now regarding what an obvious mistake picking Palin was, that they they'll want nothing more to do with her. They'll just try to get rid of her and will do so by trying to get her to decide to leave. My prediction is that they'll pressure her to make it appear it was her idea to "bow out" for some B.S. "patriotic" reason. That's just my own little crystal ball prediction.

And note, that while Ms. Palin claims she doesn't "blink," she may get pretty fed up with what I imagine to be a huge amount of growing pressure for her to go. The GOP knows a thing or two about pressuring folks. I would not want to be in her shoes right now.

The truth is, egos as fragile as Palin and McCain simply do not have the tenacity, grit and smarts to stick fights out to the finish. Once it appears they may lose, they'll find a way to wiggle away from responsibility for their actions once exposed for what they really are -- selfish, uninformed, spoiled brats. And, apparently, on the losing side.

The nature of John McCain is to throw hissy fit after hissy fit, and to do a 180 on anything that doesn't immediately help him out. He's an tired, old, cranky senior citizen who knows he's just about to lose and lose big.

He's desperate and will ditch Palin faster than the wife he dumped upon returning from Vietman once he finally "understands" that Palin is not the ratings magnet he'd been told she would be. What I'm curious to learn is this -- Who's the one advising McCain these days? This, I would find interesting.

In any event, I just want to remind people that John McCain is no "maverick. " That was a crappy car they stopped making in the 1970s. Nope. John McCain is a spoiled bratty old guy who wants to be king, now.

For the record -- This is a maverick.

The Maverick.


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