Not TGIF, but OSIS

I tried to put my finger on it, but couldn't. All day long I couldn't place the vague "something's-not-quite-right" vibe which has been hanging in the air.

Was it because McCain may add an additional horrific 4 years of mismanagement to our previous 8 ones?

Is it because we're told the economy just went down the tubes?

Well, as my daughter asked me for a second time if I would please tuck her in bed (Really meaning: 'Mom? Can you come in and can we talk in the dark until one of us falls asleep?') that I finally realized what was also going on:

It's Sunday. And Sundays suck.

So I wondered, Is there any scientific reason why Sunday's suck so much? Or is it the obvious? The party's over. Tomorrow it's back to school, (or work) again?

Maybe, as discussed in the link to Ot's Sunday Afternoon and Here Come the Blahs, a New York Times article there's a biological reason for this feeling.

But, right now, it doesn't matter because, the truth is, right now it's lights out. It's get up bright and early because that's how it is all week long.

But, for now, OSIS. (Oh, shit, it's Sunday.)


Peter Varvel said…
Dear Louise on the Left,
I just love that you and your blog are Blue through and through!
And thanks to you, I now know a new acronym which I will start to use once a week.
I will owe you residuals.

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