Absentee Ballot -- possible dirty tricks?

I just got an email questioning if Pete or I had heard anything about a Carl Rove trick involving fake absentee ballots and wanted to know if we'd heard anything about it's validity.

Subject: Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud

I don't know if this is true but it sound like a Carl Rove Trick. There is nothing about it on snopes.com

The story is all over Progressive Talk Radio today about the McCain
campaign sending absentee ballot applications to registered democrats
or people that have donated to Obama's campaign. These ballots are
deliberately misleading and have postage paid return addresses that are
for an election clerk that is outside of your city or town. What this
will end up doing is either having your vote not counted, or if you
return one of these, they will cite you for election fraud, saying that
you already voted absentee. These ballots are only being sent out in
'purple states' and this is a big deal. This is called voter caging,
and is a huge problem.

The McCain campaign is stealing this election as we speak. Please get
this information out to as many people as you can and tell anyone you
know who has received one of these ballots that they need to contact
their city election clerk or the supervisor of elections immediately.

Also call the local media and let them know what is going on.

The main stream media is never going to cover this so we have to depend
on our ground campaign to get the word out to our voters.

Here's what Pete just came up with at this time:

According to credible media reports, some absentee ballots sent out by the
McCain campaign in Wisconsin had incorrect return addresses:

McCain campaign in Wisconsin had incorrect return addresses:

The GOP in Wisconsin blames it on database errors:

Dems, though, think it's dirty tricks:

Huffington Post writer thinks it's something watch, not sure yet how dirty
or accidental:

From this, I'd say it looks hard to say one way or the other, whether it's
dirty tricks or just more bureaucratic incompetence. If there are guns
smoking, the story will get bigger, I'm sure....

* Also note the odd phrase "The main stream media..." -- this jumps out at me looking a bit loaded. Not sure about this.

And my advice to all of us is to avoid anything that inspires knee jerk reactions until November 5th, 2008.


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