...I think it continues to be a feed problem. Your blog doesn't show up in my Google Reader. I think you did eventually run your feed through Feedburner, but when I click the "Subscribe" link on the right, it asks for a password. Could you check your settings in Feedburner? Is it set to private or something somewhere?
...Now that I think about it, this is great discussion for the network. This is the kind of stuff we can be talking about! :)
Last night I made my way up and out of Orange County to go see Mysterious Skin, written by Prince Gomolvilas now enjoying it's Los Angeles premiere at East West Players. ***Note: I am not a reviewer. I am not a critic. (I married one, which is why I can say with confidence, I am not this. If you want real reviews of Mysterious Skin you'll have to look to other publications wise enough to have send their press in to cover this show now running at East West Players.) Me? Currently, I am just an Orange County mom who loves theater almost as much as she loves writing. (True, I used to act, but now I just "mom." And I write. But, again to clarify: Not a critic.) And these her blogged thoughts are just my day-after impressions after having seen some great theater in Los Angeles last night. I have to say, I was in a hurry. I had my kids to juggle, too pick up from their schools...Dance classes, etc. Hustling them hom...
Amazing dueling footage of Mother Earth's astonishing fury, both real and as imagined by Disney. (Note first clip of visible shockwaves from the crater at Eyjafjallajökull.) Other than when you saw Disney's Fantasia, when have you ever before seen red glowing lava as well as volcanic bombs flying through the air? Then again, you could always skip real life and fast-forward to Disney's Fantasia's Rite Of Spring : I think I need the soundtrack of "Dueling Banjo's," here...
...I think it continues to be a feed problem. Your blog doesn't show up in my Google Reader. I think you did eventually run your feed through Feedburner, but when I click the "Subscribe" link on the right, it asks for a password. Could you check your settings in Feedburner? Is it set to private or something somewhere?
...Now that I think about it, this is great discussion for the network. This is the kind of stuff we can be talking about! :)