Bernhard Vs. Palin = Freedom of speech

I just feel like I need to add my own two cents on the Sandra Bernhard rant reaction.
You must know what I mean, the whole "NY DAILY NEWS Sandra Bernhard issues 'gang rape' warning to Sarah Palin" fiasco.
What do I think? I don't think it was entirely appropriate, but I do think Sarah Bernhard has the right to perform whatever she wants to. It's called Freedom. Don't like it? DONT WATCH IT.
For the record: A lot of people (for some very credible reasons) have real issues with the way this "rant" went. I don't agree with a great deal of the vitriol, but I respect the right of any artist (I didn't say elementary school teacher. I didn't say doctor. I didn't say law maker..what I said was "artist".) to perform whatever they feel like performing.
I think she's often very funny and she's a creative comedian who got pissed off and sort-of kind-of fucked up on the direction the rant went at the time...and went a little too far.
I think she's still a (rightful) Palin hater (And, honestly, who isnt?) but I think she got on a Lenny Bruce-esque riff and kind of sort of said some well, uh, shit (for lack of a better word) that she'll hopefully kind of sort of apologize for later on. (Rape jokes -- never funny under ANY circumstances. Period.), hating non-jews, hating any woman for her appearance...etc. Not cool of the usually quite funny SB, but it's comedy, folks. So, get over it.)
I think it's unfortunate her comic energies were not run before a good friend before she debuted it on the internet, but que sera, sera. We'll all live. And live a lot better than if Palin is given one moment in Washington DC.
Relax, folks. It's comedy. Get over it. There are real things out there to make fun of and be worried about. Worry about having freedoms at all.
Like freedom of speech.