Still standing -- for freedom and equality for all in California.

I'm very proud to know people like the ones who made this video -- People who have the courage to walk the walk and talk the talk, the kind of people who are willing to stand up for justice.

I don't want to know the haters, I want to know the people who stand up for what they believe and aren't afraid of their own uniqueness. Those are the people I want to know.

What makes America great is our very spirit of mandating equality and freedom for all which is the heart of what I am most proud of about being American.

It is this fighting desire for a common equality that I love about America, but it requires a very important quality -- that we continue to keep our hearts and minds open. If this process stops, if we throw in the towel toward and give in to religious fundamental dogma, then we are doomed. Doesn't anyone take history anymore?

Closed minds miss the boat when they refuse accept the one quality which will keep us alive, prosperous and relevant -- to recognize and grow with the natural changes that occur in our moral evolution.

America is supposed to be a place where equality, justice and freedom for all is a given without question or religious nit-picking.

We know all too well that we aren't always born with the right answers, but greatness doesn't come from just having answers, it comes from having the ability to say "We can make a better choice today than we did yesterday." That's an American quality I want to remind us of. We are big enough to make better choices than we have in the past.

Anyhow, I just want to say that I think this a great slideshow that celebrates the very spirit of what it means to fight for equality.


Peter Varvel said…
Preach it, Sistah!
What an inspirational slide show, thank you!
Thanks, Pete.

It was made by our music director who is as passionate about equal rights as she is talented at creating profoundly beautiful music. I'm quite proud to be part of the work she does.
Unknown said…
Oh, now I'm verklempt.

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