Proud to support Debbie Cook for Congress

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2, 2008 -- Some photos I took today at 
the local Progressive Democrats For America rally for  Debbie Cook For Congress,   in Huntington Beach, CA

Today is the Sunday before election day.  Just two days to go.

I've already voted. 

I have been blogging for Obama and to support voting No on Prop 8.  However, due to having had a cold for a while, so I haven't been to a rally for a long time.

Luckily for me, there actually was one near my house today.

This one was for Debbie Cook, our Huntington Beach, CA mayor who is currently trying to unseat Dana Rohrabacher for Congress.  

This may sound easy given the support for Obama and other Democrats lately, but here in Orange County, a largely very red population, this will not be an easy victory. 

So, I went to the Progressive Democrats For America Rally for Debbie Cook...

Get Out The Vote Rally
and neighborhood outreach
Nov. 2, 2008
11:30 AM
Patrick Kelly, Teamsters Labor Leader Local 952
Norman Solomon, Healthcare NOT Warfare Campaign
Tim Carpenter, PDA National Director
IAM Union Hall
5402 Bolsa Ave.
Huntington Beach

There I learned that she and I stand on the same page about many issues I care about, the economy, the environment, schools for our kids, and not discriminating against anyone. You can click here to read more about where she stands on the issues.

What I didn't see on her issues list, that's really been of concern to me, was where she stands on the very controversial Prop 8.  In fact, I didn't recall her mentioning that today, in person, either.  So I did some more research (in the internet) and found a great video recording of the recent (OCC) debate between the candidates at Orange Coast College:  And, bingo, there was her views and stand on Prop 8.  For the record:

Debbie Cook is voting NO on 8.   She's absolutely against it.  

In fact, I really liked the words she chose (during the debate between herself, and two other candidates and the entirely useless Dana Rohrabacher) to describe her opinion on the subject.

See link to view entire debate -- Excellent video from Eugene Garcia of The Orange County Register.

Here's what Debbie Cook says about Prop 8 --

"I am opposed to measure 8.   I support full marriage equality.   America is changing, at least California is. I think it is wrong to use constitutional amendments to limit our liberty."

Okay.  Done.  I'm even more on board now, than I was before.  I picked up a pile of door hangers and volunteered to drop them off in a part of Huntington Beach today. 

I came away from the rally proud to be a supporter of Progressive Democrats and their choice of candidates. Clearly these are the people to point us in the right direction during these very challenging times.

Below are more photos from today's Huntington Beach rally. Check out grass roots at work. What was that Sarah Palin was saying about Obama being "just a community organizer?" Obviously Palin's a woman who simply did not study American History.

My one regret was allowing myself to be interviewed on camera about why I'm choosing to support Debbie Cook on camera.  I wasn't prepared for this and worry I may have sounded a bit like I had been hitting a stash of medicinal weed.  I don't know why I get so nervous on camera.  

Oh, well.   I hung up lots of door hanger flyers for her.

Will have to see how I can be most useful tomorrow to help get as many good Democrats into Washington as possible. 


Anonymous said…
Thanks Louise!

You would be interested to know that after she left this event she headed to Long Beach's No On 8 rally, where she spoke.

Come by and help us again in the next two days if you can.
Debbie Cook sounds awesome!
Debbie IS awesome.

Somehow, not living in Huntington Beach anymore, she was under my radar till recently, and I only "discovered" her a few months ago. But, now that I know how she stands on all the issues I also care about, more funding for education, keeping our oceans clean, green energy, fighting discrimination, yeah, she's great.

She's be so much more effective in Washington than that moronic, self-interested, puppet for rich, selfish, white people, Dana Rohrebacher. He's done nothing good for us all, as far as I can see. Nothing.

We need someone with vigor and vision, now. You know, someone like Debbie Cook.

I'm a Debbie Cook cheerleader, now.

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