Hate kills. All hate kills.

I admit it.

At first, the title of this post was something weak and whiny like "Stand with me against hate!" Later, I changed it to an equally pathetic plea, "Take a stand with me against hate!"

Then, I realized it. I'd been spending way too much time at middle school with my 6th grader, looking at the club signs, on the school grounds, there.

So, let me say this differently, now.

I'll say what I mean as adult to adult, as possible.

Hate kills.

All hate kills. Homophobic rage. Racist rage. Rage kills.

We have to stamp out the fires of rage before they become a sick wildfire.

Hate is a part of us, the potential for this is in our human DNA. However, what make us human is to recognise it's a constant defect we must check ourselves against. It does exist, but so does cancer. Both are not something we want to encourage.

My father served in WWII. The holocaust is only one generation away. Hate kills. And hate is contagious. We need to take action to stop it as soon as it rears it's ugly head.

Whether it be religion sponsored hate toward homosexuals and lesbians, or turning a blind eye to an anti-black surge in our country.

To ignore it is to give silent permission to it.

This weekend Benjamin Upshaw, a 47 year old man who had moved to "the O.C." from Chicago, was beaten and robbed out by two men simply because he was black. He was walking to the store when these two, ironically, Latino, men approached him, robbed then beat him -- all the while cursing Obama and black people.

Unfortunately, I have been personally attacked because of something outside of my control. I can tell you, it's a sick way to learn how powerful and toxic the "pack mentality" is. I remember being ganged up on and, yes, even beaten, just because I was different.

I know the feeling of powerlessness and fear that comes from living through that. And the damage on the inside. You always remember who hurt you and who, if anyone, who stood up for you. You never forget that.

I haven't.

So, no, I'm not gay, but still have something personal to say about this. I hate that some people do not have the same rights that the rest of us do because some of us think they're not worthy of belonging.

I'm not black, but I can't stand the thought of people hating others over the color of their skin. Or worse, that violence about this is ever justified.

We need to stop it before it grows.

Please sign this petition as soon as you can -- like right now -- because our friends and family need to know we care about putting an end to toxic hate.

It's toxic to all of us. You do not have to be gay to care deeply about this issue. You just have to care about being a human being.


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