Official Democratic Party recommendations on the CA propositions: Orange County Democratic Voter Guide

Democratic Ballot Recommendations
Orange County Proposition (Democrat) Voter Guide

Here are the official Democratic Party recommendations on the propositions:

Prop 1A: vote YES - Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century.
Prop 2: vote YES - Will stop cruel, inhumane treatment of farm animals and improve our food saftey.
Prop 3: vote YES - Funding for children’s hospitals.
Prop 4: vote NO - Don’t put our teens at risk. Reject this threat to a woman’s right to choose in California.
Prop 5: vote YES - Rehab for nonviolent drug crimes.
Prop 6: vote NO - Expensive prison expansion.
Prop 7: vote NO - Hurts small renewable energy providers.
Prop 8: vote NO - Will eliminate the fundamental right to same-sex marriage in California.
Prop 9: vote NO - Costly, misguided prison reform.
Prop 10: Neutral $5 billion in energy bonds.
Prop 11: vote NO - Redistricting. Constitutional Amendment and Statute
Prop 12: vote YES Helps veterans buy farms & homes.

And for those of you who CAN, please do vote for DEBBIE COOK FOR CONGRESS!
(Vote out the moronic, ineffective, rich people's puppet - Dana Rohrabacher. Debbie Cook has vision and vigor and will work hard to keep us safe, green, healthy and educated! Vote Yes for Debbie Cook!

For information on endorsed local Orange County, CA candidates, please click here.

Want to vote early in Orange County, CA? Click here to find out how to vote Saturday, Sunday and Monday BEFORE Tuesday November 4th. AVOID LONG LINES AND SNAFUS -- VOTE EARLY.


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