
Showing posts from September, 2008

We can't wait till Thursday night, either, Sarah.

When you see this woman flip-flop regarding her obvious, two-faced bitchy comment about Biden's age, you just have to wonder, is McCain really going to let her go to the debate at all? Hope there's no crisis at the last minute, or anything like that. Here's a clip from Huffington Post -- sorry for the commercial at the top of it. I hope Biden doesn't pull one punch. I wouldn't.

Not TGIF, but OSIS

I tried to put my finger on it, but couldn't. All day long I couldn't place the vague "something's-not-quite-right" vibe which has been hanging in the air. Was it because McCain may add an additional horrific 4 years of mismanagement to our previous 8 ones? Is it because we're told the economy just went down the tubes? Well, as my daughter asked me for a second time if I would please tuck her in bed (Really meaning: 'Mom? Can you come in and can we talk in the dark until one of us falls asleep?') that I finally realized what was also going on: It's Sunday. And Sundays suck. So I wondered, Is there any s cientific reason why Sunday's suck so much? Or is it the obvious? The party's over. Tomorrow it's back to school, (or work) again? Maybe, as discussed in the link to Ot's Sunday Afternoon and Here Come the Blahs, a New York Times article there's a biological reason for this feeling. But, right now, it doesn...

Sarah Palin's roast with the Rat Pack

Man, you know you're good when you got Rickles doubled over.

What my Republican neighbors see when they look at me

What has me confused a bit, is if the video below is real. What do you think?

Former POW speaks out about "the real John McCain"

Hmmm. I'm not feeling the love, here.

Sarah Silverman -- How to sell Obama to Nana in Florida

Pretty good advice. See more Sarah Silverman videos at Funny or Die

What health issue is McCain hiding and why won't he release his records?

What is the serious health problem John McCain and the GOP doesn't want us to know about? Tell John McCain and Republicans they need to release all his health records now! Pass this on.

Graphic film footage linking Sarah Palin to murder of Alaskan wolves

Note* This video is not for kids to see. Do not let your little ones see this film. This is a very grim, gritty YouTube piece that very clearly spells out the grisly, barbaric actions of Arial Wolf Killing (Extinction) at the hands of Sarah Palin. If she's not entirely ignorant, then she's evil. Your pick. We need to stop Sarah Palin right now.

A crystal ball prediction: Palin will be pressured to quit by own party.

Okay, yeah. Sure, it's just a hunch. But, given the behavior of these same people who have been in power for the past 8 years, it's not a huge stretch to predict this happening. It's a long shot based on nothing more than body language, patterns of behavior and social psychology. This prediction is like Creationism -- No science needed. It's also based on evidence that even the most conservative of pundits appear to be mighty worried about Palin, too . It's just that I think Republicans are probably pretty freaked out now regarding what an obvious mistake picking Palin was, that they they'll want nothing more to do with her. They'll just try to get rid of her and will do so by trying to get her to decide to leave. My prediction is that they'll pressure her to make it appear it was her idea to "bow out" for some B.S. "patriotic" reason. That's just my own little crystal ball prediction. And note, that while Ms. Palin claims...

Paul Newman -- One of Good Guys

Never just a pretty face or just a Hollywood actor. Paul Newman was so much more than that. He was an artist, activist, philanthropist and a great family man. Today's loss will be felt far and wide, especially since he was a hero for so many of the right reasons. And God knows these days we need all the heroes we can get. Paul Newman, you will be missed.

Video montage of John McCain's history of failures and lies

Why don't you take a look at John McCain, in John McCain's OWN words. Did you know that McCain Spent his Birthday cutting birthday cake with Bush in Arizona while New Orleans drowned in Katrina? That's just some of what you'll learn by watching this. This video is proof that McCain is probably the worst idea possible for our country at this time. Pass it on. Thank you YouTube!

McCain singing the "Bomb Iran" song Obama referred to in Debate

Anyone curious about what that "bomb Iran" song was that Obama reminded McCain about having sung "for a joke?" First I found a youtube clip of his thoughtless rambling at length and below is a MoveOn.Org reaction to his revealing gaff. Below that is the MoveOn.Org reaction to it. But, here's what's so disgusting and revealing about who this angry, arrogant, petulant jerk really is: You have to then view this last clip where he not only defends his irresponsible "song-joke" but slams the idea that anyone should think it out of place. McCain Responds to "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" Video on WNYC radio: This guy is so out of touch with the rest of the world that the concept of putting him and Palin in the Whitehouse just seems like the purest form of insanity.

john mccain is one chicken drama queen.

Okay -- So, the Mississippi debate was tonight. It only proved to me that McCain can't look anyone in the eye. Ever. Because he's still a big fat baby. He whines and slimes and can't come up with any real facts and figures to show he has any idea how to plan for a presidency that will be burdened by all the financial mess at hand. But, I don't think he had any answers to start with other than not to tax his friends and family. Barack had real answers and a gracious persona. I don't know -- clearly I'm wildly biased, but in my opinion Mccain looked pathetic and Obama looked presidential. But, I think Mccain is spoiled, GOP butthead, so the bar is kind of low for him to begin with. Anyone else care to weigh in on tonight's debate? How do you think it went?

Can't get Beck outta my head after his Hwyd Bwl concert

I just feel like posting some Beck videos because other than freaking out about the news these days, his work's really haunted me since his concert -- I guess it was very evocative since so many images from the show keep playing in my mind, both musically and visually. One moment in particular, one tune from last week I just can't get out of my head was his "Where It's At." I'm so happy someone caught it for posterity for me -- Enjoy. *Seriously. I have to tell you, this really was the tune that moved into the harddrive of my brain faster than a lower eastside tenement squatter. Also, just now found someone else's upload of some cool moments from last week's super fine concert at the Hollywood Bowl Concert 9/20/08. Enjoy. I just saw his video of Guess I'm Doing Fine and was struck by how much he reminds me of Gram Parsons. Especially the way he shot this particular video. Hm. At one point I wondered if it would be too far a musical stretch ...

One more reason to love Wanda Sykes

Absentee Ballot -- possible dirty tricks?

I just got an email questioning if Pete or I had heard anything about a Carl Rove trick involving fake absentee ballots and wanted to know if we'd heard anything about it's validity. Subject: Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud I don't know if this is true but it sound like a Carl Rove Trick. There is nothing about it on The story is all over Progressive Talk Radio today about the McCain campaign sending absentee ballot applications to registered democrats or people that have donated to Obama's campaign. These ballots are deliberately misleading and have postage paid return addresses that are for an election clerk that is outside of your city or town. What this will end up doing is either having your vote not counted, or if you return one of these, they will cite you for election fraud, saying that you already voted absentee. These ballots are only being sent out in 'purple states' and this is a big deal. This is called voter caging, and is a huge probl...

More video evidence why Sarah Palin is a total moron

More of that jaw dropping interview with Katie Couric. From CBS Last night, we showed you what Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin had to say about the economy (in case you missed it, she said we're at some risk of repeating the Great Depression). Tonight, we'll show you what Katie asked her about foreign policy - and where Palin said she stands. First, a little taste of what's to come. Here's a link to the CBS transcripts as well as the video Just a couple of questions, here. WHAT WAS MCCAIN THINKING?! He met with her ONLY once. Once. HOW STUPID DOES THE GOP THINK WE ARE THAT WE WOULDN'T NOTICE HOW STUPID THIS VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE REALLY IS? It's offensive this is what they chose. HOW DUMB DO THEY THINK WE ARE NOT TO KNOW WHY THEY ARE AVOIDING A DEBATE NOW? This is absurd. That woman is can't keep her kids out of a meth lab, what makes us think she can deal with Putin? It's crazy. It should ju...

Why marriage, like education, is a fundamental right...

Someone (Eliza Rubenstein) far more eloquent than I wrote a fine piece about why it's imperative for Californians to vote NO on Prop 8 . 50 years later, rhetoric still the same By Eliza Rubenstein Updated: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:09 PM PDT There are 6 comment(s) View Comments It was a landmark decision from the Supreme Court. It challenged assumptions, traditions, and — as some saw it — one of America’s, and God’s, most sacred institutions. From the public and the press, responses came swiftly and passionately, some heralding the move as a victory for justice, many others decrying it as an affront and an abomination. “No power on earth can compel [us] to do something that is against the law of God and nature,” wrote one newspaper’s editor soon after the ruling was issued. “The Supreme Court, in its deadly coil, is about to strike down our sacred traditions,” said a letter in another. A United States senator lamented, “The justices abandoned their role as judges of the law ...

Katie Couric exposes Sarah Palin. The only thing green is her experience.

Wow, what was McCain thinking when he picked this dud? Just hang in there to the end of the interview. This should be beyond embarassing for the GOP. She's sounds like so over her head. And this woman is going to be a "heartbeat away?" Unbelievable. And McCain wants more time before they debate? GIVE US A BREAK.

The conclusion of Eric Schaeffer's "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single." (Season One)

So. We finally made it. We all finally saw Eric Schaeffer finally get to Mecca -- Maine to meet the one of two women he obsessed about ad nauseum for weeks, now. (One of whom was Liza O'Brien, now married to Conan O'Brien, and the other was this mystery woman he once met and thought now might be perfect for him. Gee, that sounds like another old guy's delusional hopes riding on a younger woman...Who is that? Oh, yeah, McCain. In any event. Eric's show is officially over and done with. It ended unceremoniously, but I feel obligated to write about the last show. Some sort of conclusion to my reaction to his Showtime series. And I'm going to make this my last post about this guy, who, surprisingly, has quite a following, let me tell you. Anyhow. What did I think of his show? Here's my Un-Review. First of all: This guy can make money. Seriously. He knows how to sell ice to Eskimos, is my first reaction, because he always gets funding. And he always delive...

Finally! "Obama Clear Lead Over McCain in Poll"

FINALLY -- SOME GOOD NEWS, FOR A CHANGE. Economic Fears Give Obama Clear Lead Over McCain in Poll By Dan Balz and Jon Cohen Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, September 24, 2008; A01 Turmoil in the financial industry and growing pessimism about the economy have altered the shape of the presidential race, giving Democratic nominee Barack Obama the first clear lead of the general-election campaign over Republican John McCain, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News national poll. Read the rest of Today's story here.

Va, Va Voom! Thank you, "Joan Holloway" from real women everywhere.

The real star of the Emmys -- Mad Men 's Christina Henricks! ! Thank you, "Joan," for bringing real women and real curves back to Hollywood. Love Mad Men ? Check out this cool website's graphics inspired by Mad Men Mad Men Illustrated

Sarah Palin: The Raw Unedited Feed

Funny leakage linkage from From Daniel Kurtzman , Sarah Palin: The Raw Unedited Feed

Eye opening moments

This is what I must've looked like at age 16 watching Close Encounters Of The Third Kind for the first time. (Mental note* Take my kids to see that on a big screen...As well as 2001.). Thank you to Misty Harris of Popcultini i for posting this.

MGMT, Spoon & BECK @ Hollywood Bowl - The un-review

Last night's concert featured not one, but three astonishing artists under the stars at the Hollywood Bowl. It was, trust me, a great night of music . But, I am no critic. No reviewer. I'm just a grateful tag-along as another reviewer's "date." Don't expect any great musical insights from me, for anything along those lines you'll have to see what you think of my husband's review of the show today in The Orange County Register. Anyhow -- This is just my own take in my remedial, amature blog which sports about 20 hits a day. Max. So, here's the micro-amateur-review. It was dazzling. We had amazing seats. MGMT, who opened, was terrific. (I'm a huge fan of this group, so I was walking on air from their first familiar notes.) Following their set, Spoon came out played a really mesmerizing, lengthy set, as well. They were really great, too. I finally heard more of their work, last night, meaning that now I need to seek and devour ...

Bernhard Vs. Palin = Freedom of speech

Hello. I just feel like I need to add my own two cents on the Sandra Bernhard rant reaction. You must know what I mean, the whole "NY DAILY NEWS Sandra Bernhard issues 'gang rape' warning to Sarah Palin" fiasco. What do I think? I don't think it was entirely appropriate, but I do think Sarah Bernhard has the right to perform whatever she wants to. It's called Freedom. Don't like it? DONT WATCH IT. For the record: A lot of people (for some very credible reasons) have real issues with the way this "rant" went. I don't agree with a great deal of the vitriol, but I respect the right of any artist (I didn't say elementary school teacher. I didn't say doctor. I didn't say law maker..what I said was "artist".) to perform whatever they feel like performing. I think she's often very funny and she's a creative comedian who got pissed off and sort-of kind-of fucked up on the direction the rant went at the time...a...


Hollywood Bowl, here we come! Whooooo, hoooooooo!

Very cool group/video I actually think I discovered before Pete did!

So, my husband, Pete, (or "Pedro" of Pedro And The Watcher at Orange County Register ) who usually kicks my ass when it comes to finding cool new music finally was scooped by me in our house. He has a gig teaching journalism in Long Beach and said the some of his students started wearing T-Shirts with this group's name on it, but he hasn't heard them yet . (Well, I did.) So, for once I get to introduce something to him! Now that I know who they are I guess we missed a chance to see them as he said he thought they may have come through town recently, in any event, it took Prince at Bamboo Nation (As usual.) to get me to really take a look at these guys (Sorry, honey. I have a new gay bfriend. & I haven't even met him!) but this video is great. Yeah, I really like them, too. If you've never heard them before check them out...They're different. How often do you hear that?

Feelin' So Renewed!

Thanks to Prince at down at Station- BambooNation I'm feelin' sooooooooooooo renewed! This one is soooooooooo funny --Also, if you check this out (which I hope you do, it's too funny not to.) you have to look closely at that guy's hair, too. I mean, is his hair for real? The Renewed Mind Boogie

Black Comic Introduces McCain, a must read.

This is so so so so funny! Seriously, it's a must read. And I never thought I would be able to laugh about any of this. Black Comic Introduces McCain BY JONATHAN BINES | SEPTEMBER 9, 2008

McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare

McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare There's no question John McCain is getting a free ride from the mainstream press. But with the power of YouTube and the blogosphere, we can provide an accurate portrayal of the so-called Maverick. We can put the brakes on his free ride! Since we first released The Real McCain a year ago, our REAL McCain series has garnered close to 2 million views, with over 13,000 comments and tens of thousands more in petition signatures! Clearly, John McCain's record is something the public wants to discuss, and yet the corporate media is doing NOTHING to present the truth. We feel obliged to continue countering the mainstream media's love of McCain. And so we thought it was high time for a sequel: The Real McCain 2. We're doing everything to get the facts out there about McCain. Join us in making a concerted effort to tell the story that corporate media refuses to tell. E-mail this video to all of your friends and family members, ...

Brutal honesty

I know this is rough, and I wouldn't show this to my kids, but it's honest and there's no time to be polite about this.

"The Mommy Wars" - or - How partisan politics made the playground feel that much smaller

Okay, I give up. I have so many girl friends who have told me that they're not changing and they still intend on voting Republican that I decided not to stew, but to do something about it. So, I wrote this letter. 9-14-08 To whom it may concern: Something different is going on. Everywhere I go. People are talking about their own politics and it's changed my entire landscape. I'm not sure if it's been called this already but if I had to describe it, I'd have to call it "The Mommy Wars." Let me explain. Over the past eight years I began watching the news so closely that I (incorrectly) started assuming most other people who follow the news were also probably Democratic. If this sounds elitist, I apologize, it's just that I simply didn't understand how one could learn the cause and effect of all that's happened during the last eight years could not be opposed to it. But, now I stand corrected: Apparently, my beliefs have me in the minority. And ...

BAMBOO NATION: "The View" Ladies Open Up a Can of Whoop-Ass on John McCain

Once again, my cyber BF found the best links around. BAMBOO NATION: "The View" Ladies Open Up a Can of Whoop-Ass on John McCain

BAMBOO NATION: Tina Fey & Amy Poehler as Sarah Palin & Hillary Clinton: I Just Died and Went to Heaven

BAMBOO NATION: Tina Fey & Amy Poehler as Sarah Palin & Hillary Clinton: I Just Died and Went to Heaven

LES MISBarack! (OBABMA - The Musical) -- Must see!


McCain's campaign ads are UGLY LIES. Here's proof.

This just appalls me. Please pass this video on to everyone you think may possibly be duped.

Clueless: The Palin - Charlie interview

Love this post, read this link. It says 100% what I think, only so, so much better.

Just something to cheer me up. Feist: MY MOON MY MAN

Okay, in a week where we had to re-watch 9-11, again. Had to accept that SP has energized the ignorant base, and see yet one more hurricane barrel toward the city everyone just got used to when Katrina washed their homes away -- I wanted to post something soothing and escapist. Enjoy. I love how the choreography incorporates the robotic industrial environment into such a wonderfully cohesive collaboration. (Suggesting urban isolation when in reality we all dance to the same beat.) Who is her art director on these videos -- Very cool stuff. Kind of Pina Bausch-y and Like Water For Chocolate, too. And there's her voice, like honey. Okay, I think I'm ready to watch the rest of the Sarah - Charlie interview, now. Maybe.

Matt Damon: My hero of the day

My husband sent me this clip, saying: "matt damon can be your new fake boyfriend, it's ok"

Eve Ensler's "Drill, Drill, Drill"

Eve Ensler, the American playwright, performer, feminist and activist best known for "The Vagina Monologues", wrote the following about Sarah Palin. Drill, Drill, Drill I am having Sarah Palin nightmares. I dreamt last night that she was a member of a club where they rode snowmobiles and wore the claws of drowned and starved polar bears around their necks. I have a particular thing for Polar Bears. Maybe it's their snowy whiteness or their bigness or the fact that they live in the arctic or that I have never seen one in person or touched one. Maybe it is the fact that they live so comfortably on ice. Whatever it is, I need the polar bears. I don't like raging at women. I am a Feminist and have spent my life trying to build community, help empower women and stop violence against them. It is hard to write about Sarah Palin. This is why the Sarah Palin choice was all the more insidious and cynical. The people who made this choice count on the goodness and solidarity...

Democrat "talking points" when encountering Republicans

A few "talking points" for those of us stunned speechless to discover that some people actually think the GOP is fine and that McCain would be a better choice than Obama. And yes, there are plenty of these folks still around. These are the people you work with, or who have children school or sports with your child. They may not watch CNN or MSNBC, but they do go to church and trust what is said there. They get their news from Fox News, but, they also vote. This is why it's so important not to just walk away shaking your head. There's a lot of work to be done really try to bring the facts to them in a way that doesn't cause them to be defensive and angry. _____________________________________________ Talking point regarding "lipstick on a pig" ____________________________________________ Republican : " Well, what about all those mean things Obama said about McCain's VP? She's the first woman VP ever, and listen to them! All they do...

10 things you should know about John McCain (but probably don't):

From's website. 10 things you should know about John McCain (but probably don't): 1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his position has "evolved," yet he's continued to oppose key civil rights laws. 2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain "will make Cheney look like Gandhi." 3. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban. 4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned." 5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children. He voted against the children's health care bill last year, then defended Bush's veto of th...

Sarah Palin kills wolves from the air. She pays people to murder them.

I found this video from a website that has done a very fine job of posting the horrific truth about McCain's irresponsible VP choice. I can't say how important it is for America to really know the ugly, hateful truth about this cruel woman. How disgusting is it that McCain chose her after meeting with her ONCE! That is the most ignorant, impulsive thing I've ever heard, how dare he put someone in such a high place of power so that he can "boost his ratings." She's disgusting. Watch this.

Cool mix of LCD Soundsystem and MGMT

Oh, hi. Woke up, remembered that today is Sunday, September 7th. 2008. Made a pot of coffee then slapped my forehead realizing, my God! I still hate Sarah Palin! Anyhow. Thankfully, I know I do not walk alone, so I chose to distract myself from the irritating thought that she's "energized the republican base" by posting something entirely unrelated and diversionary. Below is a cool video that some very clever bloke created by mixing two hit songs from two of my most fav (recent) groups. LCD Soundsystem and MGMT . It works! Enjoy.

Sarah Palin: The pitbull doth wear lipstick.

I just finished watching McCain's VP pick give her RNC speech and all I can say is, oh, my God. I just want someone to throw up with. Seriously, that bitch is why I hate that bitch. Naturally, my husband isn't here to hold the bucket because he "has to review Bob Dylan" tonight. I have to be sick to my stomach alone. As. Usual. She even made a joke during her speech tonight. She asked Republican convention goers, "What's the difference between Hockey Moms and Pitbulls? -- Lipstick." Well, tonight the pitbull doth wear lipstick. Sarah Palin is pretty much everything I despise all in one tidy nut(shell.). Truly, she has to be the most rabid, hateful, uber-snarky bitch I've ever seen...since Thatcher ranted at us during the 80's. Her lies and her comments just disgusted me, but unfortunately it's the "football" mentality that I think will appeal to all the middle states. It's so easy to look "victorious" when mean...